Shipping Policies

Our products originate from China, and all items will be shipped from China. Except for oversized items (defined as goods with a length exceeding 1 meter), we will use express delivery to send the products to the address you specify. Please refer to the following for our transportation policies and details.

  • Shipping and Transit Time

Once your order is completed and payment is processed, we will dispatch the goods within 2 business days. We will select the most cost-effective courier based on your delivery address to ensure prompt delivery of the product. In principle, barring any force majeure circumstances, the estimated delivery time for all orders is between 7 to 20 days.

  • Free shipping

We will periodically launch promotions for products with free shipping, but these offers are not available every day. Therefore, once you find products with free shipping, we recommend placing your order on the same day to take advantage of this promotion.

  • Oversize items

 Products with a packaging length exceeding 1 meter cannot be transported via express delivery. Please contact us before placing an order, and we will arrange alternative shipping methods to address your transportation and delivery needs.

  • Order tracking

Once you complete the payment, we will generate an order for you and provide order tracking services, allowing you to monitor the logistics status of your order anytime, anywhere.